alleviating therapy

Different approach to Ayurvedic treatments

According to Ayurvedic medicine, we can organize ayurvedic treatments primarily in two categories.

Shamana Chikitsa (or alleviating therapy) treatments are conceived for lower disequilibrium – oral medicine and less invasive therapies can manage disproportion of elemts. In this healing the renewal of equilibrium is achieved without the need of give up to any element.

Sodhana Chikitsa (or purification therapy) treatments are conceived as the way to achieve purification of toxic bi-products established in the human body from the large set of metabolic processes.

Normally these toxic substances are eliminated naturally, but occasionally some of this residues accumulate in human tissues damaging the balance of basic elements and causing disease. The purification treatments from those residual elements are the basis of Sodhana Chikitsa.