
Abhyangam massage: traditional basic Ayurvedic treatment

Abhyangam massage – Ayurvedic massage in India has always been transmitted from generation to generation as a tradition to be practiced frequently. The massage therefore finds practical application at different times of the day in the life of the family.

The purpose of the Ayurvedic message, also suggested in the form of self-massage, is therefore therapeutic, allowing to remove the toxic substances that generate disequilibrium, but also preventive for the purpose of preserving the physical vigor and a good health condition.

The Abhyangam massage (application of oil on the whole body) is a moment of well-being and strengthening and is a personalized therapy based on natural oils enriched with the principles of herbs, useful to maintain the balance between the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), whose decompensation is at the root of malaise and illness.

The Abhyangam massage stimulates or depresses the Marma – energy points – generating a beneficial effect on several levels (physical, piscic and vital) and having as a final result the cleaning of the body from toxic substances, improving the tissues, invigorating nerves and the immune system, fluidifying the dynamics of the joints and relieving pains from inflammation and rheumatism.