Panchakarma treatment: cleaning your body

The Panchakarma treatment: Panchakarma is an ancient, Sanskrit word – its meaning is “five treatments”.

Panchakarma (“Pancha” means five and “karma” means treatment) is done to detoxify the body according to Ayurveda. The five procedures are claimed to eliminate the vitiated Doshas from the body.

The therapy is highly customized based on the requirements of the single individual needs. Not all the five parts of the treatments are always indispensable alongside the same treatment.

Pre-treatment in Panchakarma is needed: oiling and heating the individua is used in order to bring the excess dohas in the digestive apparatus, so that they can be eliminated.

Different approach to Ayurvedic treatments

According to Ayurvedic medicine, we can organize ayurvedic treatments primarily in two categories.

Shamana Chikitsa (or alleviating therapy) treatments are conceived for lower disequilibrium – oral medicine and less invasive therapies can manage disproportion of elemts. In this healing the renewal of equilibrium is achieved without the need of give up to any element.

Sodhana Chikitsa (or purification therapy) treatments are conceived as the way to achieve purification of toxic bi-products established in the human body from the large set of metabolic processes.

Normally these toxic substances are eliminated naturally, but occasionally some of this residues accumulate in human tissues damaging the balance of basic elements and causing disease. The purification treatments from those residual elements are the basis of Sodhana Chikitsa.

Suggested diet for Vata people

In order to maintain dosha balance a suggested diet guideline can be indicated for Vata mind-body constitution –

  • Warm food, moderately heavy textures, added butter and fat
  • Salt, sour and sweet tastes; Soothing and satisfying foods, which are suggested for Vata balance issue; warm milk, cream, butter, warm soups, stews, hot cereals and fresh baked breads.
  • Since Vata is a cold dry dosha, warm, nourishing foods are good for stabilizing Vata.
  • Breakfast is recommended (hot cereals; cream of rice or other breakfast that is warm, milky and sweet).
  • Hot or herbal tea with snacks in the late afternoon.
  • Beverages with high amount of caffeine are not suggested.
  • Warm moist foods (cooked grains and cereals, bowl or hot oatmeal or cup of steaming vegetable soup).
  • Salted nuts are suggested, as heavy and oily food in opposition to salty snacks.
  • All swett fruits are suggested for Vata. Avoid astringent fruits.
  • Warm or hot water must be preferred against against ice drinks.

Inspired to: Essential Ayurveda – Salim Pushpanath – Dee Bee Info Publication